Sectoral policy analysis (SPAS)

The Ministry of Finance encounters public finance policy and management issues and challenges in its day to day work, emanating from both internal policy deliberations and sectoral developments. In order to solve some of these issues and challenges there is a need for an in-house facility to conduct or supervise studies that will contribute to reforms in public finance policy, planning, legislation and the institutional framework. The Unit will also provide a public finance perspective of implications arising out sectoral developments and plans.

The mandate of this Unit can be traced to the 2004 Ministry of Finance(MoF) Functional Review . The need for this facility has from time been subsequently followed up in various MoF Management and internal Economic Affairs Department meetings with the ultimate aim of formalizing and institutionalizing the public finance related policy studies function in MoF. Even at the national level there is discussion to create a public policy research institution similar to others in the region.( This Section within the Ministry can in a way be seen as link to the envisaged research facility in the future).

To conduct studies that will improve the public finance service delivery through policy and planning.

Core Functions

  • Programme and coordinate public finance sectoral policy studies e.g. sectoral Public Expenditure Reviews (PERs), in-depth PER studies (see IMF, World Bank, CABS,);
  • Coordinate MGDS Financial Sector Reviews(see MGDS);
  • Coordinate MGDS Economic Governance Sector Review(see MGDS);
  • Participate in Annual Ministerial PERs for previous financial year : from October to December (see Budget Calendar);
  • Participate in OPC Annual/Quarterly Performance Monitoring Reviews : July/June (see OPC);
  • Coordinate demand - driven public finance policy research/studies(see draft 2004 Functional Review(FR));
  • Prepare key sectoral policy briefs with emphasis on public finance implications (see draft 2004 FR);
  • Preparation of a Medium Term Economic and Fiscal Policy Statement (see PFMA - Section 17);
  • Draft Mid – Year Economic and Fiscal Report( November - February) - (see Budget Calendar);
  • Produce Economic and Fiscal Policy Statement(January - March) : (see PFMA Section 14 and TIs Part 3)
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