Central Internal Audit Unit (CIAU)

Internal Audit Common Service was created by the Malawi Government in July, 2003 to improve in the use of public resources, reduce potential risks of corruption and financial mismanagement. It consists of the Central Internal Audit Unit (CIAU) which is under the Ministry of Finance and Internal Audit Units in Ministries and Departments. The CIAU recruits and train internal auditors and in addition coordinates, supervises and directs all Internal Audit activities in Government and ensures that Internal Audit adds value to the overall management of public resources.

To be an independent audit and consulting activity, respected for the quality and impact of our work in supporting Government to improve Risk Management, controls and Government processes.

The Mission of the Internal Audit Service shall be to provide an independent objective assurance and consulting service designed to add value and improve Government's operations.

The main objective of the Government Internal Audit Service shall be to assist the Secretary to the Treasury and Controlling Officers fulfill their responsibilities as set out in the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) by providing reasonable assurance that significant risks in Government are being appropriately assessed and managed.

The scope of work for the Internal Audit Service shall be to determine whether internal controls, governance processes and Government's strategy for risk management, is adequate and functioning appropriately and where required provide consulting service. It shall therefore, ensure that:-

  • Risk are appropriately identified, evaluated and managed.
  • Interaction with the various governance groups occurs as needed.
  • Significant financial, managerial, and operating information is accurate, reliable, and timely.
  • Management actions are in compliance with policies, rules, procedures and applicable laws and regulations.
  • Resources are acquired economically, used efficiently, safeguarded adequately and appropriately accounted for.
  • Quality and continuous improvement is fostered in the Government's operational control processes.
  • Significant legislative or regulatory issues impacting on the Government's activities are recognized and appropriately addressed.
  • Opportunities are explored for reviewing and improving management controls, and Government's image.
  • Revenues are assessed correctly, promptly collected, accounted for and adequately safeguarded.

The Internal Audit functions shall review the systems of internal control established by Government from time to time. In this respect, Internal Audit shall review all financial, operational and management controls, including policies and procedures for the management of risk.


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