Public enterprises reform

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This section is not new, it been there as an independent Unit in the ministry of finance. Its main function is supervising all public enterprises and ensuring that these parastatal institutions are performing to meet government’s expectations.


  • Provide advice of PFMA relating to financial management of SBs;
  • Provide financial advice to Minister and ST on SBs financial strategic direction, corporate plans and financial performance;
  • Oversee the development of financial guidelines and coordinating the overall process for preparing financial services plans, annual reports and shareholders letters of expectations between the Minister, ST and SBs Boards of Directors;
  • Advising on the implementation of performance Management Plans and Budgets and risk management frameworks
  • Analysing the financial performance and overseeing the effects of potential implications going concern status of SBs;
  • Reviewing SBs financial policy practices, financial guidelines and adherence to financial accountability arrangements;
  • Deputising Director of Public Enterprise in managing and implementing financial policies of the SBs in his /her absence.

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